BS Degrees
Bachelor of Science Degrees in Biological Sciences
The Department offers three majors leading to the Bachelor of Science degree (Marine Biology; Microbial, Cellular & Molecular Biology; Organismal Biology). The curricula for these majors are designed to provide students with a solid foundation in biology as well as providing the opportunity for specialization. All of these majors also provide a strong preparation for further study in graduate programs or in professional schools, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and other allied health fields.
The links below will take you to the curriculum models for each of the majors. For more information about courses, including descriptions and prerequisites, check out the interactive AU Bulletin.
Marine Biology (MARB)
Microbial, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Organismal Biology
- Conservation Biology (CONS)
- Ecology, Evolution and Behavior (ECEB)
- Integrative Biology (IBIO)
- Organismal Biology, Pre-Veterinary (IBIO, PVET)
To facilitate planning your curriculum, review the Long-range Planning Schedules.